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Stora Hotellet

The Stora Hotellet is characterised by the sea and the coastal population. We don't have conference halls for hundreds of guests, but we do have plenty of room for the kind of peace that will inspire you and evoke good vibrations.

Most welcome to our hotel where a cosy bed, ocean view, excellent service and exquisite food is just the beginning!

Room Info

Stora Hotellet in Fjallbacka is based on the Scandinavians' urge for travelling and exploring. Leif Eriksson sailed to America 400 years before Columbus, Amundsen was the first man to reach the South Pole. Our Captain Klassen is the skipper who returns to his home village Fjallbacka as a wealthy man, by the turn of the last century. He builds the hotel and adorns it with souvenirs and beautiful objects from all over the world. The Captain names the rooms after his favourites among ports, explorers and girls. Each and every room tells its own intriguing and romantic tale. The furniture, the odd details, the colours and the styles are collected from different places of the world. Around the world in 23 rooms! The rooms are divided in four groups: ports, explorers, girls and other rooms.