Critical Failure caught at controller

$e Exception (7) "unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css...
  • Properties (7)
  • Available methods (11)
  • toString
  • protected code -> integer 0
    protected file -> string (68) "/home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/app.php"
    • File (16.09KB)
    • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 16.09KB Jul 18 2019 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/app.php
    protected line -> integer 169
    protected message -> string (95) "unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css...
    unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css/application.css
    private previous -> null
    private string -> string (0) ""
    private trace -> Debug Backtrace (13)
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php:318 dw\app::appThrow($message, $parms = array())
    • Source
    • Arguments (4)
    •                     $filemtime = filemtime($osName);
                          $rtnURL = "{$docroot}{$webroot}/{$url}?fileTime={$filemtime}";
                          return $rtnURL;
                      $failpaths[] = $osName;
      \dw\app::appThrow("unable to find URL $url", $rootArr, \dw\app::webroot(), $failpaths);
      } static function out_link_stylesheet($url, $name, $version = 0) { if(! $url) { return; } $result = \dw\app::triggerevent("xhtml_out_link_stylesheet", $url, $name, $version); if($result) {
    • $message => string (95) "unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css...
      unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css/application.css
      $parms => array (2)
      dwframework => string (38) "vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/webroot"
      app => string (7) "webroot"
      2 => array (2)
      dwframework => string (38) "vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/webroot"
      app => string (7) "webroot"
      3 => array (2)
      0 => string (145) "/home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/webroot//wp-conten...
      1 => string (114) "/home/scantou2/public_html/dw/webroot//wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-...
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php:61 dw\xhtml::url_timestamp($url, $plugin = null)
    • Source
    • Arguments (2)
    •         $name = "style-" . $name;
              if(isset(\dw\xhtml::$_url_CSS[$name])) {
              if(isset(\dw\xhtml::$_url_registered_CSS[$name])) {
                  $url = \dw\xhtml::$_url_registered_CSS[$name];
              } else {
      $url = \dw\xhtml::url_timestamp($url, $plugin);
      } if(in_array($url, \dw\xhtml::$_url_CSS)) { return; } if(is_string($name)) { \dw\xhtml::$_url_CSS[$name] = $url; } else {
    • $url => string (76) "/wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css/application.css"
      $plugin => null
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php:49 dw\xhtml::AddCSS($name, $url, $plugin = null)
    • Source
    • Arguments (3)
    •             foreach($urlScript as $name => $url) {
                      \dw\xhtml::AddScript($name, $url, $plugin);
              $urlCSS = \dw\config::val("dw_xhtml.init.$initType.url_css");
              if(is_array($urlCSS)) {
                  foreach($urlCSS as $name => $url) {
      \dw\xhtml::AddCSS($name, $url, $plugin);
      } } } static function AddCSS($name, $url, $plugin = null) { $name = "style-" . $name; if(isset(\dw\xhtml::$_url_CSS[$name])) { return;
    • $name => string (17) "style-application"
      $url => string (76) "/wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css/application.css"
      $plugin => null
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/app.php:379 dw\xhtml::headinit($initType, $plugin = null)
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •         if(is_null(\dw\app::$host)) {
                  \dw\app::$host = \dw\config::val("");
              if(is_null(\dw\app::$host)) {
                  \dw\app::$host = \dw\props::s_get_val('HTTP_HOST');
              $defaultHead = \dw\config::valdef("dw_xhtml.init.defaulthead", "dwframework");
      $plugin = \dw\config::val("plugin"); if(is_array($plugin)) { /** @var \dw\_plugin $pluginProps */ foreach($plugin as $pluginName => $pluginProps) { if(is_string($pluginProps)) { $pluginProps::register($pluginName); }
    • $initType => string (9) "wordpress"
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/wordpress/dwwp/wordpress.php:71 dw\app::initcommon($initfile = null)
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •             \dw\app::$documentroot = parse_url(\dw\app::$documentroot, PHP_URL_PATH);
                  \dw\config::set("dw_table.database." . DB_NAME . ".user", DB_USER);
                  \dw\config::set("dw_table.database." . DB_NAME . ".pass", DB_PASSWORD);
                  \dw\config::set("dw_table.database." . DB_NAME . ".host", DB_HOST);
                  $requesturi = \dw\app::_server("REQUEST_URI");
                  \dw\app::$relurl = parse_url($requesturi, PHP_URL_PATH);
                  \dw\xhtml::$makeurluseshort = false;
      if(array_key_exists("tablePrefix", $GLOBALS)) { \dwwp\wordpress::$tablePrefix = $GLOBALS["tablePrefix"]; } else if(array_key_exists("table_prefix", $GLOBALS)) { \dwwp\wordpress::$tablePrefix = $GLOBALS["table_prefix"]; } else { throw new \Exception("Unknown database table prefix"); }
    • $initfile => null
    <ROOT>/dw/vendor/dwightframework/wordpress/dwwp/wordpress.php:51 dwwp\wordpress::_initcommon($initfile = null)
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •         }
              $calcDocRoot = plugins_url("", $rootbase);
              if( is_dir($calcDocRoot)){
              } else{
      } static function _initcommon($initfile = null) { try { $wpConfigDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "config"; \dw\config::addIncludePath($wpConfigDir); \dw\props::s_post_init(); \dw\props::s_get_init();
    • $initfile => null
    <ROOT>/dw/scantourplugin.php:21 dwwp\wordpress::_initplugin($initfile = null)
    • Source
    • if(! defined("ABSPATH"))
      define("DWFRAMEWORK_INITFILE", __file__);
      require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/";
      require_once CONFIGPATH;
    <ROOT>/wp-content/plugins/scantourplugin/scantourplugin.php:16 require_once()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •  * License: GPLv2 or later
       * License URI: 
       * text-domain: dwwp framework
       * **/
      if(! defined("ABSPATH"))
    • 0 => string (48) "/home/scantou2/public_html/dw/scantourplugin.php"
      • File (573B)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 573B Jun 13 2019 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/scantourplugin.php
    <ROOT>/wp-settings.php:522 include_once()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    • }
      // Load active plugins.
      foreach ( wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() as $plugin ) {
      	wp_register_plugin_realpath( $plugin );
      	$_wp_plugin_file = $plugin;
      include_once $plugin;
      $plugin = $_wp_plugin_file; // Avoid stomping of the $plugin variable in a plugin. /** * Fires once a single activated plugin has loaded. * * @since 5.1.0 *
    • 0 => string (79) "/home/scantou2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/scantourplugin/scantourplugin.php...
      • File (440B)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 440B May 10 2019 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/scantourplugin/scantourplugin.php
    <ROOT>/wp-config.php:97 require_once()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    • /** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
      if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
      	define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . '/' );
      /** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
      require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';
    • 0 => string (42) "/home/scantou2/public_html/wp-settings.php"
      • File (28.1KB)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 28.1KB Jul 16 22:59 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-settings.php
    <ROOT>/wp-load.php:50 require_once()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •  * and /blog/ is WordPress(b).
       * If neither set of conditions is true, initiate loading the setup process.
      if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php' ) ) {
      	/** The config file resides in ABSPATH */
      require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-config.php';
      } elseif ( @file_exists( dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php' ) && ! @file_exists( dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-settings.php' ) ) { /** The config file resides one level above ABSPATH but is not part of another installation */ require_once dirname( ABSPATH ) . '/wp-config.php'; } else {
    • 0 => string (40) "/home/scantou2/public_html/wp-config.php"
      • File (3.26KB)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 3.26KB Dec 14 2023 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-config.php
    <ROOT>/wp-blog-header.php:13 require_once()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •  */
      if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
      	$wp_did_header = true;
      	// Load the WordPress library.
      require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
      // Set up the WordPress query. wp(); // Load the theme template. require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
    • 0 => string (38) "/home/scantou2/public_html/wp-load.php"
      • File (3.84KB)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 3.84KB Jul 16 22:59 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-load.php
    <ROOT>/index.php:17 require()
    • Source
    • Arguments
    •  * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
       * @var bool
      define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', true );
      /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
      require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';
    • 0 => string (45) "/home/scantou2/public_html/wp-blog-header.php"
      • File (351B)
      • -rw-r--r-- 1031 1032 351B Dec 14 2023 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-blog-header.php
  • public __construct($message, $code, $previous)
    new \Exception($message, $code, $previous)
    public __wakeup()
    final public getMessage()
    final public getCode()
    final public getFile()
    final public getLine()
    final public getTrace()
    final public getPrevious()
    final public getTraceAsString()
    public __toString()
    (string) $e
    final private __clone()
  • Exception: unable to find URL /wp-content/themes/divi-child-theme/divi-children-engine/css/application.css in /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/app.php:169
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php(318): dw\app::appThrow('unable to find ...', Array, Array, Array)
    #1 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php(61): dw\xhtml::url_timestamp('/wp-content/the...', NULL)
    #2 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/xhtml.php(49): dw\xhtml::AddCSS('style-applicati...', '/wp-content/the...', NULL)
    #3 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/main/dw/app.php(379): dw\xhtml::headinit('wordpress')
    #4 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/wordpress/dwwp/wordpress.php(71): dw\app::initcommon(NULL)
    #5 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/vendor/dwightframework/wordpress/dwwp/wordpress.php(51): dwwp\wordpress::_initcommon(NULL)
    #6 /home/scantou2/public_html/dw/scantourplugin.php(21): dwwp\wordpress::_initplugin()
    #7 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/scantourplugin/scantourplugin.php(16): require_once('/home/scantou2/...')
    #8 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-settings.php(522): include_once('/home/scantou2/...')
    #9 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-config.php(97): require_once('/home/scantou2/...')
    #10 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/home/scantou2/...')
    #11 /home/scantou2/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/scantou2/...')
    #12 /home/scantou2/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/scantou2/...')
    #13 {main}
Practical Tips | Scantours


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Scandinavia, Russia & The Baltic Countries

Important Information and Practical Tips

English is Scandinavia’s second language and is almost spoken fluently throughout. In Russia and the Baltic States, English is generally spoken at major hotels and tourist locations.

Transfers are only included where indicated. Otherwise, taxis are reliable and easy to find in Scandinavia. Expect to pay anywhere between $40-$70 airport to city except Reykjavik $175 and Oslo $200. In town rides start at about $15 and up depending on distance. Most taxis accept credit cards.

Local sightseeing tours and excursions by boat are offered in all major cities. Your hotel reception normally carries sightseeing brochures.

The Scandinavian countries each have their own individual currency. (Norwegian Crowns (NOK), Swedish Crowns (SEK), Danish Crowns (DKK), Iceland Crowns (ISK) The exception is Finland where the Euro is now the official currency. Credit Cards are widely accepted and ATMs are commonplace.

Hotel rates include rooms with private facilities (toilet, shower or bath), service charge, tax and breakfast unless otherwise noted. Twin beds are the norm. Single rooms are generally smaller. Triple and Quad rooms are not usually recommended.

Scandinavian breakfasts are normally served buffet style. Choices of cereals, eggs, cold cuts, cheese, breads, juices, fruits coffee, tea and many more delicacies.When lunch/dinner is included in the itinerary, it could be two-course, 3-course or served buffet style. Side orders and beverages are extra.

Hotel and restaurant service charges are included in tour prices where indicated. End of trip gratuities to the tour escort and driver are left to the discretion of each tour participant. Tipping in service establishments is not a widespread custom and will usually be included on the bill. Tipping to service personnel is becoming more prevalent at around 10% for good service.

The average temperatures in Scandinavia/Russia/The Baltics during the period May through September are around 70° F with low humidity. Only in very top Scandinavian restaurants, are gentlemen required to wear a jacket and tie. In most places casual and smart casual are fine.

It is recommended to pack lightly as it can be difficult to carry too many suitcases in hotels and when using public buses, trains or ferries. Porter service is not readily available.

Highly recommended when traveling anywhere

All prepaid and unused services are non-refundable after travel or tour has started.

In the unlikely event of an irregularity, your tour escort, local contact, or hotel must be notified at once so that the situation can be rectified on the spot. Any claim must be made in writing within 7 days after completion of the tour. Scantours cannot accept liability for any infringements or omissions by third parties where no immediate notification to the responsible party is made at the time of such incident.

Valid passports are required for all travelers and should be valid for 6 months from date of return to USA and contain at least one clean page. Visas, where required, are the responsibility of the traveler.