Group Tours

No matter what the size of your group, or your particular interests, we can arrange a program tailored to suit your needs.

What do you think of when you hear the word Scandinavia? Do visions of soaring fjords and stoic Vikings come to mind? Or do you envision more contemporary images of state of the art technology or clean, cutting edge design and architecture? The reality of Scandinavia is all of this and so much more!

Scantours has been the leading specialist in Scandinavian travel since 1967. Chances are if you have traveled to Scandinavia or know someone who has: the arrangements were made through us.

We have recently expanded our group tours and special events division, to accommodate the increasing number of groups and organizations who prefer to travel with friends and others who share similar tastes and interests.

With 67 years of experience as an industry leader in both group and individual travel to the region, Scantours has established extensive long term relationships with Hotels and incoming tour operators throughout Scandinavia and the Baltic state.

Our expert Scandinavian/American staff is well-traveled and we personally inspect the properties we represent on a regular basis.

Our advice and recommendations come from first-hand knowledge and experience.

For specific information or just to chat about possibilities call us at 1-800-223-7226.